Friday, May 24, 2013

It was a feverish, vomiting, couch cover washing, car dying, audition rescheduling, neck aching, grace needing, low key kind of day.

My day was planned. I had a plan. It was a full but good plan. Take oldest to work, earlier than usual, take middle to an audition later in the day, and everything in between. Those two spots were the required tasks, all the rest were every day filler.

Instead, the youngest woke in the middle of the night, fearful and with a high fever. It continued into the day but now accompanied by whining and fatigue.

The middle son woke up still feeling residual fatigue, achiness and an over all not-feeling-good, from the day before. That led to a little debate and then the decision to call in, and unfortunately, opt out of the audition.

Not long after, youngest woke up from a morning nap, started crying again and promptly vomited all over the couch.  I strip the couch covers off. Only one cushion was the lucky recipient but you can't just wash ONE cover, right? Youngest goes in the bath, crying the entire time.

At some point a desperate phone call was made to a friend for spiritual support--I knew we were headed for one of those days. Youngest fell back to sleep. It would not bode well to try and get him dressed and in the car to take oldest to work...yah, it wasn't even noon yet.

Left middles home with youngest and proceeded to take oldest to work. Which required a trip to the gas station first and then swing by the bank. Between the gas station and the bank, my car died. It just stopped. In the street. I restarted it. Detour to Pep Boys to get oil because that is all I really know how to check and do. Oldest had to let his boss know, he would be late coming in early.  Car was a little shaky but drove. This deserves a Starbucks run by now. I had a gift card. Unexpected, extra long line. Swing by the bank and finally headed to oldest's job, late coming in early.

Back home, every one's awake again, watching cartoons.
"Mommy, I cried for you," says my youngest as he starts crying again.
Agent calls and audition has been rescheduled to next week. Yay! More vomiting, of an orange, on the blanket that was covering the bare couch cushions.

More crying. Middle son makes a miraculous recovery after the audition is rescheduled and a shower. The youngest seems best to sleep in nothing but a towel.

The Mr. is not going to be able to take the kids out after all, since there is vomiting involved. They hang out here. Watching a movie sounds good...along with laundry. Oldest calls, his ride misunderstood. I'm back out to get him, later than usual, due to the mix up. Drop him off at his Bible study.  I fall asleep long before he ever gets home.

We make plans. We have plans. Plans are good...usually. I keep thinking of this verse, for my life right now, as hope for other people. God will direct other peoples steps...according to MY plans...which of course, line up with God's plans...I'm sure of it.

Then there is this day. What plans? I trust the day to His plans. Knowing He has a plan. I'm living it. It's now.   Even when it includes vomit and head aches and requires grace. Lots of it. In the midst of laundry, these are His plans. I don't know why. He will and is directing my steps in the way I should go. I can surrender the change of plans, my steps to Him...because I choose to trust.

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