Monday, March 3, 2014

Oscar Party

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Why not? I've always loved watching the Oscars--of course. And someday I will reach my goal of watching all the current years Best Picture nominees. I am sure of it! I bought some decorations because I felt inspired when I was at the party store looking for something else. I can't even remember what now.

I took a few days preparing by hanging decorations from the ceiling and taping them to the walls. The boys flaked out but us girls got all dolled up for the occasion. I even rolled out a 'red carpet' for us to walk down and take pix. I used a cheap, red plastic table cloth, taped to the porch for our 'red carpet'.

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I then set the table, with an Oscar worthy spread. The main course of the evening was Oscar Mayer hot dogs, naturally. We also had sparkling cider, chips, fresh veggies, various spreads like hummus, ranch dip, salsa and guacamole. Movie favs like cheddar and kettle flavored popcorn. We couldn't over look red vines and  M&M's! I really classed it up by making chocolate dipped strawberries too.

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It's not about the Oscars, really. It could have been just another Tuesday. It's about living a life that's worth dressing up for. Worth decorating for. Worth celebrating. That is the life I am determined to live. This is the life I am creating for my family. A life that is beautiful and filled with occasions to have fun. Every day offers that opportunity. It's what I choose. Red carpet or concrete porch, it doesn't matter. Whatever this life holds for us, regardless of past or future--it will be beautiful and lovely.

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