Sunday, December 27, 2015

Church Lady: Coral Sweater + Dressember

My son and daughter-in-love gifted this sweater to me for Christmas. It looks red in the pix but it's actually more of a coral-orangish color. It's the coziest thing ever!

Even though I am participating in the Dressember fundraising campaign, I chose to wear a skirt today. One I've had for years. a hand-me-down from one of my sister-in-loves. All my other shoes and heels are still at the old house so I've been keeping to my staples. I think the blue jewelry goes well with coral, even though I wasn't wearing anything else that color. A man at church, a visitor whom I've never met before, even complimented me on my  necklace. 

I wore a grey sweater with the skirt and the coral sweater over. Temps have been cool and today was no different. The heater wasn't even on at church and wowzers was it even colder.

I want to revamp my hair again...redye the soon as I have some free time of course. {which may be never! haha.}

Have a great week.

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