Sunday, July 31, 2005

The things they learn.....

You never know what traits your kidbits are gonna pick up.........

Oldest, @ 12.5 years old is starting to tsk @ me when I request him to do something that he, apparently, doesn't want to do....I think that may be one step away from eyerolling...IF I see an eyeroll...

3 year old daughter has started to demand things from people WHILE precociously placing her hands on her hips in quite a 'lil'-miss-know-it-all' fashion & answering rebukes w/ the words, "BUT mooooooomm......". I do NOT know where she gets it from.

5 year old has taken up quite a prayer-life. He says these one sentence prayers through out the day. What is a 5 yo praying for you wonder? Here are some current ones I have heard: "Dear Jesus, please help my find my shoe." {& while @ the doctor's office:} "Dear Jesus, please don't make it hurt, please don't make it hurt, please don't make it hurt."

I am really gonna work this week on focusing on the good &......well, we'll just see what happens w/ the bad! LOL ;)

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