Saturday, February 27, 2010

Highs and Lows

This week was filled with some pretty high highs and of course, low lows. That's life, right?

I was extremely low after I had a 'teleconference' with some educational higher-ups to discuss my son's learning disability.  They basically refused to acknowledge it. It took an hour of wasting words for them to tell me that. It ended in tears. I was brought 'back' by conversation and prayers of a sweet friend who also happens to be my son's tutor and knows exactly what we're dealing with here.

It was quite a high to experience my husband working 3 (very full) days straight.  The director promises to create some funny and fabulous (& hopefully well paying) commercials out of all his (and the others) hard work. It was a bit lonely though.

I'm excitedly looking forward to future endeavors.  The least of which include new extracurricular classes for my kiddos; dance, guitar and art.  They all sound wonderful.  I need to finalize a few things for my own personal endeavors as well....but I'm on my way.

OH! And a fabulous high when I *finally* ran again.  Like an old friend I'd missed...I knew I would wonder why I hadn't 'visited' earlier.  I let go of my perfectionist ideals (I know, you probably thought I was way too casual to have any perfectionism, huh?) and just ran.  1 mile.  It was great. I felt great.  A bit of a challenge, it has been {cough,cough} months.  I felt accomplished afterward.  I wasn't that slow and it wasn't that easy but it was good. I did that 2 days in a row.  It's a bit chilly today but maybe later I will get another mile in, even though my legs are pretty sore. I LOVE it!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it's true that so many days/weeks are like that. Praying for you and the whole LD thing. I know that can be very frustrating when people don't get it.



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