Friday, July 29, 2011

Fun Filled Friday

Today was jam-packed full of family adventures. (which really is our daily life, some days more-so than others!) The Mr. had a tennis tournament in Laguna Niguel, which is a bit of a drive, so we had to get up *early*. (yes, 7:30 am IS early in our home). We figured since it was near the beach we'd have an opportunity to hang out for awhile and check out some views at least. We invited my brother and his family too. The more the merrier, right?

We were off and when we arrived, the Mr. went to check in and we had an hour to kill. We found a great little beach called Salt Creek Park with a nice paved trail, views of gorgeous homes and free parking. Score! We followed a bunch of stairs to get down to the beach and do you know what we realized on the way back up? A CABLE CAR! Yes, a cable car that could fit all of us and carry us up all those stairs, slower than we could walk. haha. How could we resist!?!

Of course we acted like we were going on a roller coaster ride...made everyone put all their hands up and shout whoooooo& wheeeee! K loved it. One time we all agreed to act like we HAD just gone on a thrilling roller coaster ride when we exited....yes we got a few funny looks. 
We cheered on (quietly, tennis is so proper!) the Mr. for his match but he was having a very 'off' day that included giant blisters on the bottom of his feet (OUCH!) and resulted in him losing. We returned to the beach after though.  The kids dug up sand crabs (shivers!) and unsuccessfully tried *not* to get very wet in the waves. ;-)

We grabbed lunch on the way home and arrived just in time to begin getting ready for the Mr.'s 20 YEAR class reunion. He helped organize it and was slated to be the MC for the night. I wasn't sure how it would be for me and wasn't exactly looking forward to it. I expected he'd be behind the microphone all night and I'd be at a table with a bunch of strangers. When we arrived, one of the organizers with the supplies was running late. I helped get the decorations up, favors set on the tables and everything situated in time and that easily broke the ice. They joked that next time, they'd have ME help plan the event instead of the Mr.

Everyone was nice and friendly and the Mr. didn't have to MC that much. We had a great time and it looked like everyone else did too. The funniest part was when they were giving out prizes and one of the prizes was for a dance off to dances from high school such as: the Cabbage Patch, the Robo Cop, the Running Man and the Smurf. I thought I was gonna die laughing so hard. It was a really fun night. I'm glad I didn't let my attitude and fear hold me back from supporting the Mr. and enjoying myself as well, otherwise I would have missed out on a great night.

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