Thursday, March 28, 2013

When Your Marriage and Family Need a Prayer...and When They Don't

Dear Lord, we affirm that this is the day YOU have made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. We affirm, as You have created us one flesh with our spouse, that every word prayed for us--is for them, and every word prayed for them, is for us. May You honor and answer these prayers we lift before You.
We come before You, pressing in to find refuge in the shadow of YOUR wings. We walk in a new way--the way of surrender. Lord, we choose to intentionally cast all our cares and burdens to You. YOUR yoke is easy and Your burden is light. We commit to saying this every time a negative thought or worry crosses our mind. Lord Your Word states that you will fight for us and we need only to be still. We walk in Your peace that passes understanding.
Lord--we choose to trust YOU. We commit to repeating this every time we are confused or things don't appear to be going well. Lord, we will not lean on our own understanding. We will lean on You.
We will take every thought captive and meditate on Your Word. We will taste and see that the Lord is good because we choose to eat the bread of life. Lord, help us to fend off temptation--to run from it. Lord, may Your shield be about us. We run for safety to You as a strong tower. This day belongs to You and has been ordained as Holy because You are holy.
You have prepared the way for us. The narrow way that leads to you. When we face trouble today, we will run to You. You are for us! Lord--continue to work all things for our good.
We do not give in to the enemy but we surrender our will to Yours. We will stand fast and hold our position--not moving to the right or the left with out a word from You. We declare Your goodness, grace and mercy. We allow You to work in and through our lives. We hold lightly to the things of this world, knowing it shall all rot, turn to dust and pass away.
We lift up hurting marriages everywhere and pray for healing. We pray for Your love to reign supreme. We pray every knee will bow and tongue confess that You alone are God. You are God of heaven and earth. May your will be done on Earth AS it is done in Heaven.
Lord-Your word says we will decree a thing and it will be. We declare healing for relationships. We declare healing for hurting hearts. We declare husbands that love the wife of their youth and praise her name and call her blessed. We declare wives that respect and honor their husbands. We declare children honor their parents and have long lives.
Bless our marriages and relationships today. Bless our enemies. May we be a blessing to You Lord and those we come in contact with today. Go before us and open the right doors for us. We desire all that You have for us.
We will apply all these characteristics to You God. We will love you, honor and respect You, so that we too may have a long life. You are our kinsmen redeemer. In You we place our trust, our heart, our concerns and even our disappointments. You turn ashes into beauty, restore all that has been taken, turn our mourning into dancing and our tears into laughing. YOU are the God who sees and hears. Thank You God for being all that You say You are. In Jesus perfect name, Amen!
God is good!!!

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