Thursday, July 23, 2015

Super Tutor Thursday: Ms. Katybug LadyBug

Lady Bug!

This was the end of our four week boot camp session. I had no idea how much the students enjoyed and looked forward to Super Tutor Thursday. Today, the parents began to tell me how much their student looked forward to Super Tutor every week and the only thing their student talked about all week was Super Tutor. 

Yes...I sort of have a *thing* for photo props.

How wonderful is that? We set the language arts exercise up earlier in the week. I brought in my collection of photo props, each student chose something and we took their picture.

Creating their own character.

The writing prompt was to create a character out of themselves with the prop and then write about it. This allowed them freedom to use their creativity while still developing their writing skills. The more advanced students were challenged to actually edit their work. For other students it was enough to produce a few sentences. 

One of the students brought a beautiful succulent arrangement to each of her tutors. Mine was in a different glass planter, an apple. How cute is that? 

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