Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sweet 16!!!

Good times yesterday/last night...

I was so proud to see my oldest, being friendly & comfortable & fun w/ everyone. Just looking like an all around *good guy* kwim? Not pretentious or like a teen that doesn't like adults being around...there were TONS of adults, more than teens. lol

Friends from church...but it pays to invite adults to your parties, they buy gifts. lol
He got lots of gag gifts that were really funny. Like one friend gave him a *young man's kit*; disposable razors, cheap after shave, breath spray, chapstick, star wars bubble pipe! LOLOlololololol

A youth leader gave him a: a trick deck, *grill* (fake gold teeth), *bling* (large chain w/ $ sign that looked gold), rubber dinosaurs etc & a nice gift card.

He got tons of various gift cards & cash & some clothes & 2 pairs of new converse. It was very nice of everyone. & ds *performs* @ Karaoke just like me. lol That was fun to watch...& he actually sings pretty good, I was surprised, never really heard him before. He was just SO pleasant. Making sure to not ignore anyone, be sociable to his guests, not hide out w/ only certain ones or anything, going back & forth between the house (Atari) & the back yard (Karaoke & guitar hero).

It was a nice feeling to look out @ all the guests & see @ least 3 generations & people/friends of ALL ages. kwim? Not just family either.

And my DD!!! O my word!!! I did NOT know she has *MOVES*! I told her to go be a *back-up dancer* while others were singing. WOW! I was CRACKING up! We don't watch music videos or MTV or anything like that but she was just *free* to move & she was A.DOR.ABLE! I was impressed. She wasn't on rhythm but boy was she cute. Everyone was just cracking up (in a good way) @ her. She is *really* starting to bloom into her own individual personality & it's so amazing to me.

Middle-not-so-little was just hanging out w/ his cousins having a good time playing, running through the back yard etc. The fire pit didn't end up working out too well, they couldn't get the Christmas tree broken they couldn't get the fire to stay...bummer but it was ok over all.

It's SO nice to actually have people over again & seeing my family all together & happy. DH & I both agreed, it was one of those parties you sit back & call a *success*. My in-laws were SO nice to bring a BUNCH of pizzas & fried chicken, I made a bunch of mini-cupcakes, some other friends brought fruit & taquitos, others drinks.

Both my brothers came & sil w/ my nephews...

It's nice, as a mom, to get a chance to step back from all the daily training & years of discipline & have a moment where you can SEE the fruits of your labor, hard work, sleepless nights, struggles & self-doubts & just SEE your children SHINING & flourishing & just being GREAT! kwim? Grin2


  1. That's so sweet! :) Glad it all went so well and everyone had a great time!

    Hope you are doing well! :)

  2. That was one of the best parties I'd ever been too! Yay, I got an anonymous shout out in your blog!!! Next time you throw a party, have a cover...after I get there, of course. ;-) You'll make some serious dough!

    btw, what is "kwim"? Are you supposed to say it like a word or does it mean something? You and your abbreviations! "btw", "LoL", "ROFL", "brb" are the only ones I know of...Oh and "idk" is another. Did your "DS" teach you all these things? Yes, I caught on to your family's abbr. half way through your writings. :-)


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