Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Favorite Day...again

Well, I had school for Valentines which is keeping me SUPER busy and almost over whelmed. I didn't even do any baking for my neighbors like I really, really wanted to! :-(

My daughter couldn't wait for me to wake up and present me with a tin of lovely gifts she had accumulated for me, like a silver necklace with hearts on it. Then I rushed off to school...I miss exchanging Valentine cards with classmates--no really, I would still do it if it didn't seem so inappropriate.

The Mr. had taken the ktbunch shopping the day before to purchase gifts for each other--they each got one of those shelf-sitting stuffed animals that dances and sings a silly love song. Kurtis just loved his. Birdy also presented me with a large heart shaped box of chocolates, which they soon devoured. I forgot to get a picture of it. I did get a few of the chocolate covered peanuts, they were delicious.

When I got home...these were on the table addressed more to the ktbunch than to me, which is just plain silly--what would kids want with a giant vase of lovely flowers? haha.

It came in a very tall vase with swirls and heart shaped designs on it, very casual and just my style.

I didn't have much energy or plans when I got home from school. Last year, I remember  we had individual pizzas but ANY day is a good day for pizza, so this year I followed the same quick & easy menu except I used bagels! Oh it was simple & yummy.

Our local grocery store has great prices on their fresh baked bagels and a great variety! Like before, I used my tiny heart shaped cookie cutter to infuse some love into our meal.

I baked them in the broiler and they were done in no time! It was an easy way to make the evening a little more special.

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